Rapé Talk in Vilcabamba, Ecuador With IllumiGnostic

5 years ago

Hola! Video (half of it; the file was corrupted, so it's a still for 6:00) from a recent talk I gave at an event called Equinox Healing Alignment in Vilcabamba, Ecuador, on rapé, ceremonial tobacco, and plant medicine in general. It is a week long event hosted by Mestizo's in downtown Vilcabamba, Ecuador's answer to Iquitos.Topics range from bee medicine, to sexual intelligence, plant medicine, water revitalization and even plant medicine and spirit molecule ceremonies. We plan to have these events every month at least.If your in the area please join us for an informative, healing experience. Ill include a link to our Phoenix Flames page for ordering rapé, huilco, tepi's, kuripe's and more. A few of the stories that I told were edited, as I just published them in my sacred tobacco video, which can be viewed here: https://youtu.be/VVxF2Iwiz3Q Please like, share, subscribe, and if you would like to see more and improved vids from us please support us on Patreon here: https://www.patreon.com/IllumiGnostic
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