Organic Chemistry Orbital Overlap Problem: Alkene (double bond) sp2 Ethylene

2 years ago

Being able to visualize the bonding orbitals of an organic molecule is important to your success in organic chemistry. Indeed, understanding orbital bonding and hybrid orbitals will help you to understand reactivity as your organic chemistry class moves forward into more difficult subjects. Sp3, sp2 and sp orbitals are involved in sigma bonding and p orbitals are involved in pii bonding.

In this video I am drawing the orbital overlap drawing of ethylene . In ethylene the carbons are sp2 hybridized. This means that each carbon has three (3) sp2 orbitals and one (1) unhybridized p orbital. The sp2 orbitals make the sigma bonds and the p orbitals make the pi bond.

I recommend that you download the problem from the link below and attempt the problem yourself and use this video to correct your work.
Download the problem from this video at the following link:

Good Luck and Good Chemistry!

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#orbitals #sp2 #ethylene

00:00 Introduction
00:12 orbitals of alkene
03:04 conclusion

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