Doctor Wife Who Poisoned Her Doctor Husband Is a COMPLETE MONSTER! Family Tyrannized By a Psycho!

2 years ago

The surveillance footage is in on the Doctor who allegedly poisoned her husband and the facts back that up, along with even wilder claims.

Dr. Yue "Emily" Yu, the poisoning dermatologist, along with her awful mother, Yuqin "Amy" Gu, were terrorizing Dr. Jack Chen, a Radiologist, and their two children, Lauren, 8, and Ryan, 7, for years. Everything including physical and emotional abuse, sleep deprivation and isolation tactics to minimize their fathers presence in their lives.

It's an introspective look into the life, albeit an extreme case, of an isolated father, putting up with horrendous amounts of domestic abuse, to ensure the "safety" of his children.

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#DomesticAbuse #WifePoisonsHusband #MaleVictims

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