Organic Chemistry Resonance Practice - Resonance Forms of Enolate (carbanion beside carbonyl)

2 years ago

Resonance forms of anions is an extremely important concept in organic chemistry. In organic chemistry a common anion is the enolate (carbanion beside a carbonyl). In this video I will discuss how to do resonance of an enolate that has two carbonyls that it can resonate with. I will show you how to handle this and how to draw it clearly. Being able to do resonance forms of anions will enable you to understand acidity of organic acids at a very high level! Anions that have the ability to resonance are more stable than anions that cannot resonate. Resonance allows an anion to move the negative charge to more than one atoms thus making each atoms somewhat negative but not a full negative.

Resonance involves arrow pushing. Arrow pushing involves the movement of electrons. For resonance arrow pushing involves the pi electrons only. It is very important that you become skilled at pushing arrows for resonance as it will be a valuable skill when you move into mechanisms.

I recommend that you download the problem from the link below and attempt the problem yourself and use this video to correct your work.

Download the problem from this video at the following link:

Good Luck and Good Chemistry!

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00:00 Introduction
00:10 Enolate Resonance
04:26 Conclusion

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