Why Capitalism is Great: Non Compete Debunked—The Capitalist Part 1

5 years ago

This video on why capitalism is great: Non Compete debunked, I cover the argument in defence of capitalism and the capitalist. Like all socialists, Non Compete paints an erroneous image describing the capitalist as some greedy individual who provides nothing in return. Unfortunately, as a result of living under corporatism, people like Non Compete are obsessed on trying to blame this on the capitalist, he doesn't understand the difference between a market entrepreneur and political entrepreneur, which one is a capitalist, the other is anticapitalist.

The data which you will find in this video you can cite from:
• Thomas J. DiLorenzo's book, 'How Capitalism Saved America'.
• Thomas E. Woods Jnr's book, 'Real Dissent'.

Why capitalism is great is because you aren't faced with the knowledge problem and economic calculation problem. In relation to this, I briefly cover the Broken Window Fallacy which is all too common with people such as Non Compete who don't understand this.

For information I covered on the Great Depression and the New Deal:

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