Patch 12.15 Notes #Shorts

2 years ago

Patch 12.15 Notes

Energy-based champions are getting a little boost, Master Yi and Sivir are receiving follow-up fine-tuning, and some engage supports are getting buffed. Divine Sunderer and First Strike’s power have also been nerfed.

Akali, Lee sin, Shen, and Zed are all seeing buffs in the form of reduced energy costs.

Thresh and Leona are both seeing buffs as engage supports.

Gwen, Kalista, Master Yi, Qiyana, Sivir, and Taliyah are all receiving nerfs. With the First strike bug being removed from Qiyana.

Singed, Rammus and Kennen are all being buffed.

Lillia has gotten a buff for the Jungle role.

The item Divine Sunderer and the Rune First Strike have been nerfed.

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