2 years ago

Daily Bible verse prayers Thursday, August 11, 2022

To Stick To A Diet Regimen: I take all necessary steps to obtain an optimal, healthy weight and I stick to a weight-loss program, for God has given us a spirit not of fear but of power and love self-control, and so it us! 2 Timothy 1:7 ***Seek medical supervision for any weight loss/exercise

For computer skills in internet and cellular technology: I master an ever growing skill set of internet and cellular technology just as men did in ancient Jerusalem where machines were planted on towers in corners, and like them I seek the Lord’s marvelous help in this, and it is so! 2 Chronicles 26:15


Through God’s Grace, I present my body as a living sacrifice to Him, avoiding toxins, carcinogens and harmful substances, using professional medical advice in these decisions, and I do this to be holy and acceptable to the Lord as part of my spiritual worship, and so it is! Romans 12:1

Kindness To Animals

I am kind and respectful of all creatures—the righteous care for the needs of their animals, and so it is! Proverbs 12:10

Creative Inspiration: I care out all creative activities at work and otherwise working as though I
am working for the Lord, and so it is! Colossians 3:23

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