1 Peter 2 Bible Study, Part 2- Living Wills, DNRs, Group Think/ Crowd Mentality

2 years ago

Triggery? Stop the video at about 24 minutes. :) Please read more below, thanks!

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In this video: 1 Peter 2, verses 11 and 12
- They have their reward!
- Demon possession and the cult of celebritism
- Group think and the crowd mentality
- Social engineering
- End of life decisions/ living wills
- Gray areas that many people don't consider. As an added note, attempting to legislate morality just pushes the actions to the dark alleys, increasing suffering. You can't legislate morality into a wicked society. The snake bite accomplishes the same end goal, anyways. Don't fall for the anti-/pro-fallacy or follow the bouncing ball! It's a snare! It's ALWAYS a snare! Divide and conquer.... choose your master wisely.

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