Growing Up With Darla [GUWD#2] the Dogo Argentino - Establishing Human Leadership the First Night

5 years ago

#dogoargentino #dobermanpinscher #packleader

We begin establishing basic rules and boundaries from the very beginning. Puppies start learning from the very first interaction, whether you want them to or not. By beginning training immediately, negative behaviors can be prevented from forming at all.

0:00-0:08 -Showcasing the food
0:09-0:37 - Kennel Boundaries
0:38-4:04 - First feeding and kitchen boundaries
4:05-4:23 - Going outside to potty
4:24-4:44 - Good potty!
4:45-6:21 - Chewing on a beef marrow bone
6:22-7:30 - Correcting possessive behavior/Claiming an object
7:31-7:37 - Sniff sniff sniff
7:38-8:13 - Correcting the behavior of plant chewing
8:14-9:06 - Claiming an area of the yard I didn't want the puppies
9:07-9:30 - Another good potty
9:31-9:58 - Puppy explorers
9:59-10:33 - Gringo & the puppies
10:34-10:45 - Darla close up
10:46-11:39 - The pack settled inside
11:40-12:11 - HypnoFreya and snoozing yin-yang puppies
12:12-12:23 - Thank you for watching!

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