You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know

4 years ago

There are two distinct types of opinion on any single issue: one is YOUR opinion, the other one is a WRONG opinion.
We are blind. We can't see, we don’t know what happens to us next. No knowing leads to all sorts of temptations. When we don’t know, we worry. We try to control things that are out of our control, and when they don’t go our way, we get disappointed and blame God. We do things according to our will, in effect telling God that His will for us is not as good, never mind the promise that He makes all things work for our good. We don’t like NOT knowing, because NOT knowing requires TRUSTING. Trusting—having faith in things unseen—is impossible. Faith isn’t natural, it’s impossible—unless given by God.

based on John 9:1-41 /
4th Sunday in Lent /
Rev. Anton Lagoutine

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