Transformed by the Cross: Simon of Cyrene. Why Does It Have to Be Me?

5 years ago

Remember that time you didn’t do your homework, didn’t prepare at all for class, and your teacher looked with an expectation over all the students trying to see if there was a hand up. But there wasn’t a volunteer and you knew what was coming: she’s going to call out a name and you hoped that it wouldn’t be you! And you sighed with relief when it wasn’t.
Or, how about that time you were speeding down the highway because everybody else was doing the same thing, moving along in a group of other cars and next thing you know you see a police car and it’s pulling out onto the highway and the blue lights are on and you know what is coming: someone is about to get pulled over and you just hope and pray it wouldn’t be you who is stopped!!

Lenten Service /
Rev. Anton Lagoutine

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