Kirsten Murfitt - Open Letter To Members Of Parliament (Part 1)

2 years ago

In this in-depth interview series with Kirsten Murfitt of NZLSOS, we highlight the key points and outline the crucial yet-to-be-answered questions from Kirsten's excellent Open Letter to Parliament, which she penned on 22 July 2022. This is Part 1.
You can download, read and share Kirsten's letter here:

You can read her OIA request from August, 2021 here:
Please share this interview. Please also utilise the steps involved at the end of the interview in order to put pressure on the government to answer our important questions:
The 3 main questions are:
Why doesn't the Government require mandatory reporting of deaths and serious adverse reactions, following the administration of a vaccine which has only provisional approval?
Why does the Government refuse to investigate the safety and contents of the vaccine, given both the emerging overseas data and the court-ordered release of Pfizer’s documents?
Why did the Government market the vaccine as “Safe and Effective”, when it knew that neither of those statements was true?
• Write to your Local Politician
• Phone your Local Politician
• Write to The Media, and demand that they investigate on behalf of the Public.
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