Mark Crispin Miller um áróður 14.05.22 _ Mark Crispin Miller on propaganda 05.14.22. Part 3

2 years ago


Mark Crispin Miller er pr fessor fj lmi la-, menningar- og bo skiptafr i vi New York h sk la, NYU en hann hefur
skrifa fj lda b ka, greina og ritger a auk ess sem hann kennir fanga um r ur.

Hva er r ur og hvernig birtist hann fort og n t ? Er heimsmynd okkar m tu af r ri, og b r n t ma manneskja yfirh fu yfir getu til a sj gegnum hann?

fyrirlestri s num fjallar Miller um essar spurningar og fj lda annarra og veltir upp m gulega mikilv gasta litaefni samt mans.

English version:

Mark Crispin Miller is a Professor of Media, Culture, and Communication at NYU. He has written books, articles, and essays and his research interests include modern propaganda, history and tactics of advertising, American film, and media ownership.

What is propaganda and how does it appear in the past and present? Is our worldview shaped by propaganda, and does a modern person even have the ability to see through it?
In this presentation Prof. Miller addresses these questions and reflects possibly on the most important issue of our time.

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