Super Soldier Talk with Apollymi - Draco Battle in 3.5 Delta Quadrant

2 years ago

Original Upload Date: August 9, 2022

Apollymi Mandylion, is a super soldier hybrid mix of Dragon and Pleiadean DNA created by Dark Fleet and the ICC. She has been recruited in to Project Mind Control, Project MK Ultra, Projects Crest (stargate), Carbon, and then underwent a milab which then took her to Section 13 32-C at Area 52 located near Area 51. From there she was sent into the boot camp at Camp Livingston in Louisiana. Where she was trained by Nazis Aryans in what is known as Project Ashwet (children of god) to make the most supreme soldiers in the universe according to them anyway.

From there she resumed her training at Section 13 32-C to make her battle ready for military combat and psionic missions. The treatment she and others like her received was atrocious. She recalls being forced to eat gruel and she had to wear disciplinary shock collars. One day she was raped and then she lost it and rebelled by killing three military personnel in upper management. Normally they would scrap a rebellious soldier like her, however, they spent millions to build her up and decided it was best to send her to the Draconian Mars base as punishment to help her understand how good she had it at section 13 32-C.

Apollymi also remembers training in inner earth with some blonde hair blue eye people. And she also participated in Project Blue Book which helped the military understand various et technologies and missions both dimensional and off world.

This is the third interview with Apollymi in which we will discuss details about a Draco battle that took place on 3.5 delta quadrant on a moon near Sirius. Apollymi will be sharing some of the latest missions she has been on and we will also answer some Q&A from audience members questions.

If you like to contact Apollymi, please reach her on Facebook.

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