Bizarre traffic accident turns into fatal shooting-Jacksonville Sheriff shoots John Dunaway -Florida

2 years ago

#florida #police #shooting #gun #crime #crazy #fatality

Jacksonville, Florida - A man was killed on May 26, 2020 after a Jacksonville officer stopped to check on the well-being of a crash victim on J. Turner Butler Boulevard. The encounter turned into a struggle and the driver made threats he had a gun, according to the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office.
JSO Chief of Investigations T.K. Waters said Officer B. Ondriezek responded just after 3 a.m. to a single-vehicle crash on eastbound JTB near Hodges Boulevard and began to talk with the driver, who was later identified by police as 61-year-old John Allen Dunaway III. During their conversation, the driver attacked the officer and claimed he had a gun, Waters said.

The officer was able to end the struggle and deployed his Tazer twice, according to Waters. The driver eventually got up, again claimed he had a gun and began to run toward his car, Waters said. That’s when the officer fired two shots, killing the man, Waters said. It’s unclear if the man had a gun.

Waters said it’s unknown why Dunaway attacked the officer. It appears the man did not have a criminal background.

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