Debunking Polidice: Arguments Against Social Democracy—NHS is Killing You Part 5

5 years ago

In this final part 5 video debunking Polidice on the arguments against social democracy I cover on why the NHS is killing you. Polidice, like many social democrats, doesn't comprehend that not only is single-payer healthcare socialism, it most certainly is not working as he likes to have you believe. The long waiting times doesn't just pertain to that of A & E, it correlates on a far greater extent to those of other demands.

This is one of the main arguments against social democracy that socialists and mixed economy supporters don't seem to understand, you cannot ignore the laws of supply and demand and the it's a failure to comprehend the damage created by that of government fixing prices, in the case of the NHS failure with the massive long waiting times it is caused by a price ceiling in the name of "FREE" healthcare.

Setting price ceilings result in 'quality deterioration,' I provide my argument for this and why the NHS is killing us. Polidice argument is erroneous on American healthcare because he's comparing the NHS to that of American healthcare by today's standards. The American healthcare system as I have covered is in the mess it is in and neglectful because of all the socialist government interventionism, that's what happens when you turn your back on capitalism and strangle capitalism half to death through government created monopolies.

Again, you can check out my argument on American healthcare in response to VOX for why healthcare costs in America soared out of control:

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