Virgo Dei Genitrix - the short hymn to Our Lady with the most elisions

2 years ago

Day 98 of #100daysofchant
1. Virgo Dei Genitrix, quem totus non capit orbis:
In tua se clausit viscera factus homo.
1. O Virgin Mother of God, He Whom the whole world does not contain, enclosed Himself in thy womb, being made man.
2. Vera fides Geniti purgavit crimina mundi,
Et tibi virginitas inviolata manet.
2. True faith in thy begotten Son has cast out the sins of the world, and for thee virginity remains inviolate.
3. Te matrem pietatis, opem te clamitat orbis:
Subvenias famulis, O benedicta, tuis.
3. Thou art the Mother of divine love, Thou the aiding power the world cries out to: come in aid, O blessed one, of thy servants.
4. Gloria magna Patri, compar sit gloria Nato,
Spiritui Sancto gloria magna Deo.
4. Great glory be to the Father, equal glory to the Son, great glory to God the Holy Spirit.

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