Shigemi Brings up Discriminatory HIDOE Student Athlete Covid Policies

2 years ago

So just imagine having to subject your student to a fraudulent pc-r or rapid test two times a week in order for them to participate in HIDOE sports in which your hard earned tax payer dollars help fund. The catch is that they won’t have to go through this trouble if only they receive the experimental ja-b. Is it discriminatory? Of course it is. Is it coercion designed to make the parents give up and give in to Joe Biden and Dr. Fauci’s recommendation? Of course it is. The people that think this is somehow acceptable have been given over to a grand deception, an obvious delusion.

Reminder that many of the German population had been convinced in 1943 that getting rid of the Jewish problem was also acceptable. From 1942-1945 was the grand push of the “undesirables” into concentration camps. Those German people were considered “good moral people.” The point we’re making here is that some of these lefties seem like well meaning people up close but they are just passing off these injustices and discriminatory policies as if it’s no big deal to create a safe environment. As the radical left tyranny progresses forward and continues to convince the unconscious masses that we, the minority of people who are not “followers” to take their poison and observe their ridiculous mandates, are the problem, these lefties will not hesitate to snitch on their neighbors and have them hauled off to quarantine camps.

We are in an infowar against time to try to wake the unconscious masses up. It’s no easy task to convince your friends and family members that everything they think they know about covid and the case numbers is a lie.

I can't tag her she must be doing something right

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