Vaccinations - Ellen White - Adventist History - and Medical Missionary Work - (Dubbing Indonesia)

2 years ago

Apakah Ellen White dan dokter Advent awal merekomendasikan vaksinasi? Dr. Timothy Perenich, akan berbagi dengan kita pada saat ini, penelitiannya mengenai Ellen White dan posisi para perintis Advent awal dalam hal vaksinasi.

Timothy R. Perenich adalah penulis buku, Vaccination: Biblical Revelation, Ellen G. white, History, Science, tersedia di

Dia adalah seorang chiropractor berlisensi di negara bagian Florida, yang memegang gelar di bidang psikologi, teologi, dan gelar Master dalam Sejarah Gereja dari Andrews Theological Seminary.

Dr. Perenich memberikan kuliah tentang nutrisi, herbal, olahraga, dan psikiatri. Dia juga telah menerbitkan artikel di jurnal perdagangan chiropractic. Dia terus bekerja dengan gereja lokalnya, mengajarkan nubuatan dan pengobatan alami.

Did Ellen White and early Adventist physicians recommend vaccinations? Dr. Timothy Perenich, will be sharing with us this time, his research in regards to Ellen White and the position of early Adventist pioneers on the subject of vaccinations.

Timothy R. Perenich is the author of the book, Vaccination: Biblical Revelation, Ellen G. white, History, Science, available at

He is a licensed chiropractor in the state of Florida, who holds degrees in psychology, theology, and a Masters degree in Church History from Andrews Theological Seminary.

Dr. Perenich gives lectures on nutrition, herbs, exercise, and psychiatry. He also has published articles in chiropractic trade journals. He continues to labor with his local church, teaching prophecy and natural remedies.

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