Excerpt only available- Eustace Mullins' on FED, Ron Paul, Rockefeller & G. Edward Griffin

2 years ago

I'm unable to find the full video.

Eustace Mullins' on FED, Ron Paul, Rockefeller & G. Edward Griffin

'Excerpts from Jan Irvin interview of Mullins in Sep 2009. Mullins' accuses Griffin of plagiarizing his book, say Ron Paul works for whoever pays him, and explains that crashing the FED is part of the Globalist plan.'

💥💥LibertyResearch, barbbruce, jsmunroe59, ChrisLaw1, AscendingProof, lib3rty0rd3ath, gravelgrinder1, kevinsmithjr, BobTouchette, Theratfink, Plaster, levistrasser, ager78, and 1969pontiaclemansman are paid shills.

wildwestaussie1,andlynge,PatriotProtection are feds for Alex Jones claiming sandyhook really happened

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