Are Women Sports OVER?

2 years ago

Samantha Kelley – FIERCE – Women's Sports under Assult.

Femininity, Identity, Embodiment, Receptivity, Catholicism, and Encounter.

Title IX has been interpreted to enforce policies such as biological men using women’s bathrooms, living in their dorms, and even competing in women’s sports, all of this leading to creating a challenging and confusing environment for female athletes. In a world where female athletes are encouraged to toss aside their femininity, a former D-1 athlete is changing that narrative and responding with a voice of truth.

FIERCE Athlete is a non-profit Catholic ministry founded by Samantha Kelley in 2016. Using the teachings of the Catholic Church and Theology of the Body, FIERCE helps young women discover their true identities as daughters of God and to understand what it means to be authentically feminine.

Recent statistics indicate that nearly 30% of today’s female collegiate athletes identify as gay, and 62% struggle with disordered eating.

“While there are other Catholic organizations for athletes, most are male-dominant and don’t know how to speak to women specifically. Catholic organizations that exist for women don’t address athletes specifically, and thus female athletes don’t feel at home in any of these places,” notes President and Founder Samantha Kelley.

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