Col. Lawrence Sellin: Biden & His Party Crossed The Rubicon

2 years ago

“Listening to Two Mikes will make you smarter!”
- Gov Robert L. Ehrlich, Jr

The Two Mikes were most fortunate to speak this morning with Col. Lawrence Sellin to discuss the Biden administration's illegal raid on President Trump's home at Mar-a-Lago.

Colonel Sellin said for whatever reasons -- perhaps the Democrats and Globalists know they are sinking? -- Biden and his party crossed the Rubicon on Monday and undertook an action that will unite most of their political opposition, whether or not they like Trump.

Sellin said that Biden's half-wit action by trying to seize documents that belong to the president by law, has placed a spotlight on the tyranny, lawlessness, cruelty, and hatred for America which are Democratic trademarks.

What next? Colonel Sellin said he believed that all but fanatic-Fascist Democrats will at last recognize the ruthless and utterly corrupt dictatorship that was ushered in when Biden and his thugs stole the 2020 election from all Americans.

If loyal Americans refrain from a too vigorous reaction to Mar-a-Lago, the Democrats will have to place child porn, fake Russian business, or other incriminating data on the Trump computers and cellphones they took and then campaign on it.
They could also decide to kill Biden and blame the murder on conservatives, or simply kill some peacefully demonstrating conservative Americans and hope a civil war ensues.

However the next shoe or shoes fall, America has entered an unprecedented era in its history. Even in 1861 there was little hard-core hatred between men of the North and those of the south, although some, of course, grew by war's end. But in that case both sides fought for their dearest political loves, Union in the north and liberty in the South.

Today, the Democrats bring only hatred, malignancy, corruption, love of crime, murder, and pedophilia, and treason to the battle, while loyal Americans bring love of country, liberty, family, faith, the Constitution, and a readiness to eliminate the satanic blight Democrats have spread across our continent and in our youngsters' schools.

Colonel Sellin's website is at: He also writes regularly for the Gateway Pundit.

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