Worship Service 8:00am 12/13/2020 - 3rd Sunday in Advent

4 years ago

The Rev. Scott Johnson, Senior Pastor
The Rev. Anton Lagoutine, Assistant Pastor

The Sermon: "Who Are You?"
Based on John 1:6-8, 19-28
Rev. Anton Lagoutine

1st Reading: Isaiah 61:1–4, 8–11
Epistle: 1 Thessalonians 5:16–24
Gospel: John 1:6–8, 19–28

Opening Hymn: LSB # 349 "Hark the Glad Sound"
Sermon Hymn: LSB # 430 "My Song Is Love Unknown"
Response Hymn: LSB # 346 "When All the World Was Cursed"
Distribution Hymns:
LSB # 618 "I Come, O Savior, to Thy Table"
LSB # 563 "Jesus, Thy Blood and Righteousness"
Closing Hymn: LSB # 338 "Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus"

All rights to music have been authorized by the following:

St. John's Lutheran Church
2126 St Johns Church Rd
Conover, NC 28613

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