2 years ago

This Cartoon Network (public service announcement?) begins by asserting that a colorblind society is antithetical to an inclusive society and then proceeds to justify judging everyone you see. not by the content of their character, but by the color of their skin. Seriously, I’m not joking. The tagline at the end of the segment is, “SEE COLOR. BE ANTI-RACIST” - Orwellian much?! This announcement is clearly targeted towards young children which should give anyone pause, but the overt messaging tactic can only be described as predatory. My children will not be patronizing this channel in any way as they’ve made it painfully clear that their value system counters my own. When we say “colorblind”, we are not saying that we shouldn’t acknowledge our differences, we are saying that those differences do not equate to the value of a human being nor their contribution to society. Hyper emphasizing color is a step back to a time when access to common areas, representation, and even public aid was all determined by the color of one’s skin - this was true systemic racism; this was truly as evil practice. Why would CN advocate for a revitalization of those evil times? Why would they target our children as a means to achieve that goal? Furthermore, what does, “ANTI-RACIST” even mean?! It is doublespeak for the new champions of modern day racism. Seriously! Whenever someone today says, “ I’m an anti-racist”, what they are really saying is, “I am a racist, but it’s justified because my racism is aimed at the descendants of the racists of the past, so my brand of racism is okay.” No, no it’s still just racism. It is still evil. You, today, are just as bad as the racists of yesteryear and should be treated as such.


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