Bible for Idiots

2 years ago

The God Sun created himself 4.5 billion years ago. The Jewish book of genesis is false. Jews robbed Egypt around 1300 BC plagiarized the figure of Moses from the earlier religions of Sumer India, they plagiarized the so-called The Decalogue of the 125th scroll of the Egyptian Book of the Dead and changed its form to command, stole the "ark of the covenant" which was the generator of electricity, stole plans to extract gold from South Africa and many written laws. This is how "Judaism" was born. Later, occult Jews mingled with the elites of the Roman Empire and deceitfully legalized the next occult religion, "Christianity." "Christianity" was invented by the Jews of mainly the so-called "saint" Peter and Paul, the initiators of the arson of Rome in 64 AD. They or their successors from the synagogue invented a literary hybrid figure of Jesus Christ. Jesus, a Jewish name, refers to Jesse or Jesse (Hebrew Jiszaj / יֵשַׁי, / in 1100 BC) - a biblical figure, son of Obed and father of David, later king of Israel. On the other hand, Christ is (Greek Christos means not the name but the title of the Savior). At the same time, the attributes of the Sun God and ancient astronomy are cleverly woven into this false religion. So Jesus is Horus, God the Sun, 3 kings are the three stars in Orion's belt (ζ Ori (Alnitak), ε Ori (Alnilam) and δ Ori (Mintaka), the Star of Bethlehem is Sirius, Bethlehem (house of bread) is the constellation of the Virgin Mary , The 12 apostles are the 12th Eras of the Zodiac, the Lord's Cross is the constellation of the southern cross (Latin Krux) ... The synagogue and the Vatican have no fixation with God and do not fit into the EON. They set us the wrong time frames for Milenia (1000 years) and Ages (100 years) what a bad incorrect calendar! What's more, the Vatican does not even have the authority of the emperor because the donation of Constantine is a forgery from 900 AD. Therefore, it is not true to print us money in the USA, Europe and England. And for the more ambitious, the true genesis of the creation of the World is already available:

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