Abortion, Pornography, and Transgender Models

5 years ago

This week on "Problematic Women", we discuss parents in the U.K. who sued a hospital for “wrongful birth” because their son was born with Downs Syndrome. They claim, had they known, they would have had an abortion instead. 

We discuss how prevalent aborting children diagnosed with Downs Syndrome is, both in Europe and the United States, and the importance of fighting for the dignity of all lives. 

We also break down: 

—Netflix released a miniseries titled “Unbelievable.” Based on real events, it tells the story of a woman who was raped, but those around her weren’t sure about her story. We discuss the lessons learned from the show and different ways to think about the #MeToo movement. —Victoria’s Secret is featuring both a size 14 model and transgender model in their recent “Love Yourself” campaign. —Our Problematic Woman of the week is Daily Signal reporter Rachel Del Guidice. We talk to her about a recent interview she did (“The True Effects of Watching Porn”) and the responses she’s received from friends and listeners. 

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