Make America Godly Again and Then She Will be Great Again, Part 12 (Praying Through the Bible #373)

5 years ago

TEXT: 1 Timothy 2

Since this passage’s words on modesty and teaching are highly controversial in modern society, let’s look at some background information from the Bible Knowledge Commentary: “Next Paul turned to the females in the congregation. For their adornment they should not emphasize the external, but the internal. They should dress modestly, with decency and propriety. These terms stress not so much the absence of sexual suggestiveness, though it is included, but rather an appearance that is simple, moderate, judicious, and free from ostentation. The specifics Paul mentioned (braided hair or gold or pearls or expensive clothes) are not wrong in themselves, but become inappropriate when they indicate misplaced values. In the Ephesian church these styles may have been associated with the local temple prostitutes. Christians must be careful about letting a pagan culture set their fashions.”

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