VHS Basement Tapes Show Volume 1. Freemasonry!

5 years ago

Welcome to the VHS Basement Tapes show Volume#1

I will be showings my collection of VHS tapes I have collected over the years. The quality will very from good to fair so be forewarn.

I found this video at my local Goodwill store and had to pick it up! The video is called Freemasonry From Darkness To Light? Came out in 1991 made by JF Films. Enjoy😎

Freemasonry, Eastern Star, and other similar "secret" organizations appear to be harmless fellowship gatherings. Many of them appear to promote belief in God.

However, upon closer examination, we find that the only belief requirement is not that one must believe in the True and Living God, but rather, that one must believe in the existence of a “Supreme Being”, which includes the “gods” of Islam, Hinduism, or any other world religion. The unbiblical and anti-Christian beliefs and practices of this organization are partially hidden beneath an outward appearance of a supposed compatibility with the Christian faith.

Welcome to The Basement VHS Tape Show Vol 2📼Witchcraft: Yesterday and Today!

Lies of Deception....

Satanic panic!

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