One Nation Under Siege - Part 1 Full HD

2 years ago

A 2-part discussion meant to bring some clarity to the current national crime wave facing the United States. A podcast in which I discuss the most tragic time in American History in which a Crime Wave has taken hold of the nation. I question the integrity of the United States Government and the Biden Administration in their role in perpetuating this Crime Wave. The role of the George Soros-backed District Attorneys who single-handedly dismissed prosecuting the most violent in society releasing them back on the streets to commit more serious crimes against the public. How is it possible that both politicians and DAs have colluded to ignore the public outcry of a surge in the most violent crimes in American history? And who is behind it? Who is funding the systematic destruction of law and order in the United States? I provide the person behind it and the people he is funding to destabilize the country as "We the People" try to survive the current economic, social, and almost cataclysmic era of the 21st century. Can we do something about it when the supposed trustees of our civilization have sold out to one of many globalist elites? It may sound like a conspiracy theory, but explain how we got to this time in our lives in which the criminal has more rights than the victims. Listen to what possible conclusions I have surmised of this tragedy that we as a country must face together.

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