V36-Dillon XL750, Seat Die Setup

5 years ago

V36-Dillon XL750, Seat Die Setup

If you want to place a case in position 1 of the resize die while you are adjusting the seat stem you may find your C.O.L. to remain consistent once the shell plate is full. In other words, by placing a cartridge case into position 1 while checking C.O.L. you are mimicking a full shell plate. Personally, I don’t do that unless I see I change in C.O.L. when I begin loading. Most of the time, especially with round nose bullets I find that my C.O.L. is where it needs to be. You just need to be aware of it. God bless and thanks for watching. Highboy

Brinks Home Security: brinkshome.com
Dillon Precision: https://www.dillonprecision.com/
Mighty Armory: https://www.mightyarmory.com/
Inline Fabrication: https://inlinefabrication.com/
Palmetto State Armory: http://bit.ly/2Mi2OsT
Accura Bullets: https://accuraoutdoors.com/
Missouri Bullet Company: https://missouribullet.com/
Bob’s Bullets: https://223bulkbullets.com/
Starline Brass: https://www.starlinebrass.com/
Ammo Brass: https://www.ammobrass.com/
Ransom International: https://ransomrest.com/

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