Power To The (Indigenous) People! (Ecuador's Protests, the IMF, and the Dangers of Activism)

5 years ago

The recent protests in Ecuador represent a major victory for exploited and impoverished people everywhere. CONAIE, an Indigenous rights group, organized a strike and protests that brought a nation to it's knees in a matter of hours. This demonstration of Indigenous strength and conviction sent a clear message to world powers, and hopefully, world populations. Perhaps most importantly, CONAIE won in a matter of days.
Also of central importance here, is an epidemic of naivety, willful ignorance, and cognitive dissonance in regards to the political sphere. The treachery and deceit of world leaders has reached a blazing crescendo that somehow goes unnoticed by many, especially in the United States. Ecuador's officials are in no way singular.
To illustrate this here's an example from US politics. I want to be clear that I support no party, especially not the Republicans. I have noticed that many cant fathom that a critic of Obama is not a Trump supporter.I compare Obama to Bush and accuse him of double crossing his supporters, which many in the US have a hard time accepting. Here's a short list of some of Obamas biggest lies and double crosses: Obama promised that he wouldn't raid medical marijuana providers. There where more raids during his administration than during the Bush admin. He killed three US citizens with drone strikes (one aged 16) without a trial. He promised to close Guantanamo Bay. He did not. He renewed the Patriot act. He regularly skewed statistics, created legislation that would be unpopular with his supporters and then blamed it on Bush. I could go on . I only mention all of this because it is of critical importance that people wake up from their walking slumbers and learn to see the world as it is, not the way that they have been conditioned to believe that it is.
Also in this vid I get into the dangers of activism, which often manifests as lethal violence.
I also offer some strategies that can be employed at various levels in order to make a measurable contribution to change.
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