Recipe no. 1. Carpaccio of scallop with fennel. Flavours of aniseed

2 years ago

A new recipe EVERY DAY.

I've used Pernod in the recipe because that's what's available in UK supermarkets but you could also use Ricard Pastis. This was one of my most successful recipes. I recommend making it a staple.

The recipes are all Seignalet (pronounce it "Saynyalay") diet legal. French professor of medicine Dr. Seignalet put 91 chronic, so called "incurable" diseases into remission with this diet. You can read more about Dr. Seignalet and his diet here: Or you can watch my introduction to "Nutrition - the third medicine" (my translation of the title of the as yet untranslated book):

Dr. Seignalet said that as we are all sedentary now we only need to eat animal protein once a day. That ties in nicely with an earlier therapeutic, lifestyle diet called Food Combining. One of the ideas of food combining is that protein is digested in the stomach and carbohydrates are digested in the intestine and that if you mix concentrated protein and carbohydrate at the same meal, neither will be digested properly. In the light of modern knowledge this is a bit simplistic but it seems to work. See what Saynyalistas can learn from other dietary systems:

The above is the description on my youtube version of this video. Here is a message that would get my youtube channel immediately removed. (I've already had 2 warnings). The Seignalet diet and these recipes are part of my protocol to survive the mRNA vaccine. There have already been many deaths and severe injuries from these jabs which the mainstream media and mainstream tech social media and governments are not reporting because they are owned by the banking cabal. Due to automation and artificial intelligence now proceeding at an exponential rate and "the Singularity" just around the corner, the billionaire class think we are surplus to requirements. "Covid" and the jab are both bio-weapons meant to get rid of us. They think we are just cluttering up the place and polluting the planet. The first step in thwarting their plans and overthrowing their tyranny is to achieve perfect health, even if you have been jabbed. Use my non-pharma protocol here:


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