Perfect Love Casts out all Fear

2 years ago

If fear has to do with punishment, and perfect love casts out fear, then love is anti-punishment. This is not talking about the parent child relationship this is talking about all other relationships. However even a parent loves their child and doesn’t wanna punish them. You may need to but you don’t need to if they are sorry. If someone’s already repentant, then what further use is punishment? The purpose of punishment is to correct, to make people understand the difference between right and wrong. Parents are not avengers, it’s not their job to bring wrath and vengeance for wrong on their children, the reason why a parent may punish a child is to correct the child. A child who wants to be good and is sorry for having aired, is corrected already because they are convicted in their heart by God.Relationships of love that are not in parent child relationships Have absolutely no reason to have punishment, you don’t punish your friends and you don’t punish your lover and you don’t punish your brother and if you do, you don’t love them. It’s not your job, you’re not God. You may keep yourself safe so they can’t harm you, but you’re not the avenger. Men and women who love each other should forgive each other and not punish each other and hold each other over the fire and reject each other for any amount of time. If they say sorry and if they mean it, then it’s over. And even if they didn’t say sorry, you still love them and love covers. Love covers everything it covers over wrongs and tones for wrong. Even if they are continuing to wrong you, you still Love them and are anti-punishment. It’s never your job to punish your lover. It’s not your job to hold a grudge against them or to be better or to keep a record it’s not even your job to protect yourself really. Perfect love casts out all fear, because fear has to do with punishment. Therefore love is anti-punishment and love doesn’t include punishment in it. This is not referring to the parent child relationship. I think a lot of people are too disciplinarian on their children as well, but that is a separate issue. However if you’re Parenting in perfect love and they are learning to love God and the Word of God and you properly and everyone else properly, sincerely, they will not wanna do wrong and they’ll feel bad when they did, and they won’t need to be punished either. Punishment is for someone who is adamantly continuing in wanting to do bad and be bad and he refuses to understand what’s right. It’s not for someone who understands what’s right and who wants to do right, But just messed up. Correction from a parent is not vengeance for a cosmic wrong. And it’s not what 1st John is talking about. Although first John applies into that situation. There does need to be justice sometimes when people cheat on each other, there has to be a God who judges that, it’s God’s job to judge that.

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