Hot August Thoughts

2 years ago

Getting back into the studio and laying down some commentary on a wide range of topics. Happy belated 4th of July. Covid and the studio changes kept us down longer than planned. I have a simple dream and vision with this podcast. My dream is that we will stop electing career politicians, demand congress balances the budget, and enforce corporate monopoly laws. My vision is to live in the land of the truly free.

We have Grizz in studio and the main outline for the show was as follows:

1. Recession. Two quarters of negative growth is a recession. And the economy isn't so bad according to Joe: YouTube
2. We are still 30 trillion in debt. Those small increases in interest by the Fed is costing us billions.
3. Monkeypox – As we ignore the data concerning covid and vaccines we are failing to have enough respectful adult conversations as we transition into the hot new virus craze.
4. Supreme Court and Abortions – Timing – The reactions -
5. Walking heads - The Cell phone has replaced the brain

Of course we veered into the weeds here and there but it wasn't a bad show to come back with. Looking forward to having some guests and below are some links referencing content cited in the discussion.

Oxford Languages defines a recession as: “a period of temporary economic decline during which trade and industrial activity are reduced,”
“generally identified by a fall in GDP in two successive quarters.”

The last guy on this video is Biden’s economic advisor, Brian Deese Twitter
In 2008, Deese said: “Economists have a technical definition of recession, which is two consecutive quarters of negative growth.” Twitter
Federal Reserve increased interest rates by 0.75 basis points for the second time in two months. CNN
But don’t worry your little heads. Pop Pop Joe Biden says everything is stellar. Twitter
Take a minute and check these numbers. It boggles the mind. U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time (

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