Carnivore Update with My Mom

5 years ago

To follow along with my daily life come find me on Instagram @lauraespath

Meet my Mom Melissa, she is healthier now at 62 than she has been in 30 years. In this video we check in to see how the last month of strict Carnivore has been for her. We discuss specific medications she was on and what it is like when we all visit.

To see the first discussion on how she transitioned from Keto to Carnivore, lost 70 pounds, reversed her diabetes, and reduced her arthritis pain check out the first video we did.

I will do another update with my Mom over Christmas...leave any questions you have for her in the comments below.

***The podcast we mentioned about dairy is the Fat Emperor Podcast (Ivor Cummings) Episode 41 called "Low Inflammation High Fat Living"

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