Industrial Revolution: Living Conditions During the Industrial Revolution Part 1

5 years ago

In part 1 on the Industrial Revolution, I touch upon the living conditions during the industrial revolution debunking the myths relative to both Victorian Britain and the United States throughout the 18th and 19th centuries.

There are countless myths you could go through, such as the myth of the rich getting richer and poor getting poorer, or about the monopolies and the dangerous concentration of wealth in the hands of the few. I have covered the Robber Barons myth in refutation of another YouTuber which you can check that video out below along with the antitrust myths.

Robber Barons Myth:
Antitrust Myth:

Much of the information I must give credit to the Mises Institute with many great scholars as I named in this video, are as follows:

• Thomas E. Woods Jnr
• Robert P. Murphy
• Thomas J. DiLorenzo
• Robert Lefèvre
• Ralph Raico

There is plentiful great information out there covering the industrial revolution and in this part 1 I mostly covered relative to Victorian Britain living conditions during the Industrial Revolution. The strong critique of capitalism and of living conditions improving was Edward Palmer Thompson, a British economic historian and socialist. The work Ralph Raico cited from was E. P. Thompson's 'The Making of the English Working Class' from 1963.

You can watch Ralph Raico's full argument on the living conditions during the Industrial Revolution here:

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