Episode 26 - 20191025 - Assemblyman Bill Brough

5 years ago

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Episode 26 brings us to our state political representative. Politics is one of those polarizing topics, but the people we elect are very important with regard to how we are able to live our lives. To that end we decided to meet with California Assemblyman Bill Brough for the 73rd District, which means he represents us here in Rancho Santa Margarita in the California statehouse. We found out about Assemblyman Broughs background, his legislative accomplishments, and his upcoming priorities. One of the topics that presented some very shocking data was around the agency that controls the toll roads known as the TCA. Please take the time to find out more about your local representatives, the primary is coming up early next year.

Guest: California Assemblyman Bill Brough
Website: ad73.asmrc.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AssemblymanBillBrough/
Instagram: @billbroughca
State Voting Records: https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billVotesClient.xhtml
Host: Shawn Gordon
Videographer: Lisa Boehmke
Video Production: Our Town Videos

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