30 to 1 Rule for Crazy - Markus' Short ep2

2 years ago

30 to 1 Rule for Crazy - Markus' Rules Short Ep2
When you deal with the Crazies of any side of the political spectrum (and life), you must realize for every 30 you interact with.
One of these Crazies will have a Nugget of Truth or Reality that needs to Addressed or Fix or Promoted. Don't miss the truth even when the messenger is Crazy.

The Markus of Americus Project is developing a new Social Compact through the model of Marquies of Queensberry Rules for modern Political Pugalism.
Markus's Rules will form a frame work to put politics back into the lane it belongs and NOT in every part of life.
For more information on the Project please see our locals page at markusofamericusproject.locals.com

Please become a Supporter or give a one time Donation at Locals - https://markusofamericusproject.locals.com

Markus of Americus Links
Digi Caveat Emptor Basics - https://youtu.be/HsiA6UE7ydg
Principles of Markus - https://youtu.be/cqleWuPcbLw

Uncle Al Says Links
UA23 - 10 Niceties a Day - https://rumble.com/vt30t8-10-niceties-a-day-uncle-al-says-ep23.html
UA22 - Know Your Objective - https://rumble.com/vvcakq-know-your-objective-uncle-al-says-ep22.html

All Uncle Al and Markus of Americus Project Videos
Rumble.com: https://rumble.com/c/c-1087801
odysee.com: https://odysee.com/@MarkusofAmericus
Youtube.com: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWjqhYP6H2hUr3n3cXV-TZw https://youtu.be/l1nwkoRsPOs

Background Music Credit
Mr. Ruiz - Artic Air - https://freemusicarchive.org/music/mrruiz/winter-haze-summer-daze/artic-air/

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