hypnotic Indian drumbeats for trance formation (WhatsApp +919998054731)

3 years ago

manike maage hithe

Thank you for conducting our ZeNLP Learning Through stories Workshops on

1. Increasing Creativity and innovation Through ZeNLP meditation"

2. Training the Trainers "Increasing efficiency and effectiveness of Training Through Storytelling"

3. Fun at Work "Stress Management Through ZeNLP meditation

4. Building effective Teams through ZeNLP simulation exercises 

5. Metaphors in ZeNLP  Travel Storytelling Workshop on Goal Setting and Achievement.

6. Creative Visualization, Autosuggestion, Modeling and Motivational Storytelling for Leadership (conducted at IIT Club Chennai for IIT alumni from all IITs with family members)

7. Inner life can change outward events. Coping with grief Through ZeNLP meditations. 

8. Leadership Through Storytelling.  How to narrate stories to impact the unconscious mind

9. Unconscious Competence,  ZeNLP vegan recipes and food meditation. How the whole universe conspires to help vegans achieve their goals. 

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