圣灵怎样说话(finalcall07)How the Holy Spirit speaks

2 years ago

原视频SOURCE https://youtu.be/WYGnqI4lH2k

2011年10月22日 Originally posted by finalcall07(Jan Boshoff)

Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/finalcall07

Visit him at: http://www.finalcall07.com




Many believers have a total misconception about the Holy Spirit of God. Dear friends, if you accept Jesus as your Lord and Master, then He accepts you as a child and He is concerned about you. He is jealous over you, He cares for you. He will guard over you and He will do everything to get you back on track if you do wrong, but if in the end you keep on straying then YOU WILL END UP IN HELL WITH THOSE WHO ARE DISOBEDIENT. Many people think that the Holy Spirit is just a feeling, a little voice inside. O yes, He speaks to us in our hearts but if we refuse to LISTEN then He uses other means as well, to get our attention, He will speak to us through sickness, through circumstances, He will destroy the works of our hands. He will do many things, He will not just let us go. He will make us understand that He CARES and that He wants us to OBEY Him. If we persist in our disobedience He might hand us over to the devil for the destruction of our bodies. God does not care for the flesh friends. He does not care for earthly goods -- He cares for your soul. He wants you to share in His holiness, He wants you to go into heaven. He wants you to understand that He requires utter HOLINESS and utter OBEDIENCE but if we persist in our disobedience then the Spirit of God will not strive with man for ever. There comes a day that the silver thread is cut, that you DIE. We must make use of every opportunity that God gives us. We must repent and LISTEN to the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is not just a soft voice my friend. The Spirit of God jealously guards over us and He will do anything to make us obey Him, because He cares. Do you know the voice of the Holy Spirit. Do you recognize Him speaking to you right now. Can you see what is going wrong in your life and why? Because God is speaking to you, because He cares for you. He chastises, He PUNISHES every child that He accepts. If He is not punishing you, then maybe He has left you over to your own devices, because you don't want to obey. God cares for you my friend, do you care for Him? Start listening before it is for ever too late! May Jesus bless you.

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