Build That Wall!

2 years ago

In Nehemiah's day God’s people were defeated, the city was open to the enemy’s attacks. The walls of Jerusalem was broken down, and its gates burned with fire (Nehemiah 1:3).

Nehemiah wept, fasted, and prayed. The walls were the protection for the city and its people. They provided separation from what was outside. He determined to rebuild the walls.

The walls around the people of God are broken down today; the walls of separation from the world. We need to rebuild the walls of righteousness and truth.

The gates protected the entrances into the city. At the gates the elders would give oversight of the city business, administration, and justice. This was all missing.

There are gates in our lives – openings - ways that truth or error can come into and out of our lives – such as: ear gate, eye gate, mind gate. Points that need to be guarded from enemy attack.

The ten gates of Jerusalem signify spiritual truths: The Sheep Gate – speaks of the Lamb of God and salvation. The Fish Gate represents witnessing, as we are to be “fishers of men” (Mark 1:17). The Old Gate represents truth. The Valley Gate represents humility. The Dung gate speaks of confession and cleansing from sin. The Fountain Gate represents the Holy Spirit. The Water Gate is symbolic of the Word of God. The Horse Gate is symbolic of battle, of warfare. We are to do battle against the forces of darkness. Then comes the East Gate – it faced the rising sun. It was the gate of hope. Likewise we have anticipation of the blessed hope - the return of Christ. The tenth gate is the Examination gate where judgment was conducted. As believers we have need of self examination, and readiness for the judgment seat of Christ.

Nehemiah’s building project illustrates principles for us – as to how we can strengthen our spiritual life.

Before he laid the first brick, Nehemiah prayed. He prayed and fasted for four months. Nehemiah was convicted, and was moved to action. He urged the people to pray – to watchfulness. Nehemiah 4:9 …we made our prayer unto our God, and set a watch...

Nehemiah said, come and let us build up the wall. He encouraged action.

He faced much opposition and discouragement. When doing God’s will, you can expect resistance. Opposition came from those OUTSIDE the walls, and from INSIDE. Don’t be surprised if you face opposition. Keep on building.

The work continues today. The important work of building God's kingdom.
Nehemiah never quit building - he kept doing what he knew was right.

Nehemiah set some priorities that made his building program a success. And in all of this, it was for the glory of God…

Nehemiah worked with families - he placed the families in units – as a united force. Each family unit was committed – to work and to be prepared to fight.

The family is a priority. As men we have a God-appointed responsibility of leadership for our family. As believers we each have a duty to set godly standards – walls of separation around our families.

Nehemiah set the people tasks. There was a unity and a cooperation. A fellowship of God’s people. Everyone had a station at the wall, each had a part to play in the building project… There were 41 teams with different parts to take care of.

The people had a desire to work. Nehemiah 4:6 …the people had a mind to work. And in just 52 days the wall was completed (6:15).

The worship and godly order was re-established. God’s people regained their spiritual life as they returned to fellowship and service.

The church of God is separated from worldly evil. Its purity and character needs to be guarded. The walls need to be rebuilt around biblical fellowship, and in upholding the godly unity of the church of God.

In Nehemiah 8:1 they called for the Book - God’s Word: “bring the book”.

There was a priority to family, to fellowship, and to take a station in the combat zone, if necessary, to fight for what is right, against that which is wrong. Nehemiah and his band show us how to hold fast what God has committed to us, and to refuse all compromise with the unholy spirit of the age in which we live.

Being a wall builder means laying some 'Bricks':
Prayer – let the Lord lead your effort
Persistence – let the Lord strengthen your resolve
Priorities - let the Lord guide your devotion of energies…

The walls need to be built which means… our…
• Family – God is interested in the family unit
• Fellowship – God wants us welded into His Body
• Fight – God wants us in combat mode. The walls are needed because we have a real and active enemy on the war-path.

The walls both:
(1) protect those inside and
(2) make a separation between them and the enemy.

The walls represent the separation of a believer from all that is evil and unscriptural.

How are the walls today? In…
• Your life
• Your home
• Your church?
Do we guard the gates in our lives as to what we allow into our lives? Are we separate from the world and evil?

It's never too late for a new beginning. It’s time to rebuild the walls!

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