Why Obama hasn't endorsed Joe Biden

4 years ago

Hi, I'm Anthony Galli and recently in a 60 minutes interview Joe Biden was asked why Obama isn't endorsing him and here was his response...

"I want to earn this on my own." Joe Biden tells 60 Minutes he asked President Obama not to endorse him in his run for White House.

I’m not a supporter of Joe Biden, but the truth is the truth.

Some people seem to think that Barrack Obama isn’t endorsing Joe Biden because he secretly doesn’t think Joe Biden will win or that he doesn’t think he’d make a good president, and maybe that speculation is true, but it isn’t based on evidence.

Because the truth is that former presidents usually don’t endorse until much later in their party’s primary when the nomination has all but been secured.

Barrack Obama didn't endorse Hillary Clinton until June. George W. Bush didn't endorse Jon McCain until March. Bill Clinton DID endorse his VP Al Gore in December, but Ronald Reagan didn't endorse his VP George H.W. Bush until May.

The exception to this wait-and-see rule is when a former’ president’s wife or son runs.

But being that Joe Biden is NOT Barrack Obama’s son then it’s reasonable to conclude that Barrack Obama will not endorse Joe Biden until the nomation is secured.

Former president’s usually wait for 3 main reasons: they want to stay above the day-to-day internal party food fights, they want to give candidates space to run and grow outside of their shadow, and they want to be a party-unifier for the general election by being able to fully support the presumptive nominee.

Those are the main reasons why Obama (or Clinton for that matter) hasn’t endorsed Biden or any of the other candidates, but of course they could still endorse early if one of their wives run.

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