Chinese Spy DoD Pedo Father put me in MK-Ultra Vaccine Experiment Age 3, '67

2 years ago

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My DoD Monsanto Father allegedly spying for China Based Rothschild Central Bankers & 1946 Operation Paperclip infused corporations is a Secular Humanism Non-Religion Bible writer:

I am told that Michael Chertoff, Henry Kissinger, Klaus Schwab, Larry Fink, George Soros (Swartz), Dick Blumenthal, Adam Schiff, Chuckie Boy Schumer etc believe they have similar DNA to Vlad the Impaler & are decedents of Ancient Alien Hybrids dwelling in cave complexes in China, Antarctica, & all over the world.

The "Great Reset" was called something else, & I first started hearing about that from 1946 Operation Paperclip Nazis age 3, 1967. They were my Chinese Spy DoD Monsanto Father's mentors. I was beating them at chess by age 7.

I used to blog as the Stark Raving Viking for 18 years on Google Blogger until I questioned Joe Biden actually winning anything asking if he F'd all of his kids as toddlers ... & then just like that censored off the internet on anything Google or Mainstream.

In 2011, my friend Rich Murzin in Connecticut, a founder of DHS, had a list of police officers that were to be paid for the coming Sandy Hook, Boston Marathon, & Las Vegas Shooting Drills. So, officers, judges, prosecutors, & their shady minions ... if they have their finances looked into ... there is Rothschild Central Banker based in China money in their pockets from US Taxpayer Trillions being offshored.

Rich Murzin & Reporter AJ Fontaine died withing hours of each other 2 weeks before we were to air evidence they stole from Connecticut Department of Children & Families DCF, Charlie Company FBI, & from CT State Police Intelligence (DHS) for their involvement with the United Nations & Rothschild Central Banker Child, Narcotics, State Secrets, Nukes, Military Arms, Human Body Product, & Sex Slave Trafficking.

I made it out into the woods after Brattleboro VT Police called me & told me I had 5 minutes to pack up & get out as heavily tattooed killers were paid to come up from NYC & make a bloody mess of me before killing me to send a message. It was actually 3 minutes, as I took off into the woods with just the clothes on my back when I saw 3 thugs kick my door in. I threw my cellphone against a guardrail as I was in the wind on my Harley.

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