FAQ 5: Fragment on the Arab Conquests (636) | What are the earliest sources for Muhammad?

5 years ago

"In January {the people of} Ḥomṣ took the word for their lives and many villages were ravaged by the killing of {the Arabs of} Mūḥmd and many people were slain and {taken} prisoner from Galilee as far as Beth…
On the tw{enty-six]th of May the Saqīlāra went {…} from the vicinity of Ḥomṣ and the Romans chased them {…}
On the tenth {of August} the Romans fled from the vicinity of Damascus {and there were killed} many {people}, some ten thousand. And at the turn {of the ye}ar the Romans came. On the twentieth of August in the year n{ine hundred and forty-}seven there gathered in Gabitha {a multitude of} the Romans, and many people {of the R}omans were kil{led}, {s}ome fifty thousand."

Sneaker's Corner seeks to comment on and share some of the key moments from Speaker's Corner. Another goal is to explore in a critical way the origins of Islam, and in this regard, I must credit the work of Dan Gibson, Patricia Crone, Angelika Neuwirth, Jay Smith, Hatun Tash, David Wood, Robert Spencer, Douglas Murray, and many more who from different backgrounds have been asking challenging questions and contributed to my current understanding of Islam.
Stock footage is from videvo.net.

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