Make America Godly Again and Then She Will be Great Again, Part 14 (Praying Through the Bible #375)

5 years ago

TEXT: 1 Timothy 2

In our last message we looked at what this passage means by shamefacedness and sobriety. Let’s continue looking at some background information regarding this passage. The Bible Knowledge Commentary continues, “More is involved here than mere chronological priority. Paul saw the priority in time as indicative of the leadership given to the male, to which the woman, the “helper suitable for him”, should respond. Further, Paul contrasted the experiences of Adam and Eve. The woman was deceived and became a sinner, but Adam was not the one deceived. Some chauvinists see Paul arguing here that women, as represented in their archetype Eve, are more gullible and thus more susceptible to error, than men. Thus, they say, females should not be in places of teaching or authority in the church. Others believe Paul was saying, in effect, “Look what happens when the Creation order is reversed and the man abdicates the leadership role to the woman.” In any case, Paul was emphatically not excusing or absolving Adam of blame for the Fall. Elsewhere, in Romans 5:12–21, Paul put the responsibility squarely on Adam’s shoulders.”

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