⏳ "so why can't we fix the Trump administration?"...TRUMP COULD NOT BE BOUGHT, So....☠

2 years ago

The video banner image is captioned "so why can't we fix the Trump administration". A growing number are only now learning about the Biden's selling out to the CCP/PRC.

In this video the speaker brags about influence peddling in Washington DC and Wall Street. A book signing in DC and how they have PULL. It notes how MORE MONEY will open doors...not enough? MORE MONEY💲

It reminds me of the book "Red Handed" mentioned earlier in this thread. In that book review video the extent of corruption is described in detail. How our military, state department, and politicians take our secretes to China in exchange for exclusive, high pay contracts and concessions. They are essentially traitors dressing as businessmen.

Unlike U. S. manufactures that knowingly turn a blind eye to exploitation of labor for cheaper products and higher ROI, former government officials from every branch of government pose a greater threat with our secrets, some top secrets.

It is ironic that the massive bureaucracy or deep state would project their trechory on the former president whose only transgression seems to have been wanting to return our government to a manageable size.

💰 The transcript of this "lecture" to the Chinese faithful (and American Communist that support a collectivist world run by the Chinese WHO and Soviet UN) would simplify this exercise but the metacommunication, the facial expressions and body language, are telling of the Chinese contempt for the U. S..

This reminds me of the Twilight Zone episode...IT'S A COOK BOOK! ☠💣

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