Luke 14:1-24 "You Are Invited"

2 years ago

Satan is using this to set Jesus up…now how do we know it was Satan…well Jesus has already said that the Pharisees are of their father the devil.
Satan has used the ruler of the Pharisees to get Jesus to his home…and he is using this poor man as the bait.
Make no mistake…Satan is pulling the strings here.
Do you think the enemy sets us up?
You bet he does…he will use what he knows is our weak point and he will supply the bait to get us to sin.
The enemy asked to sift Peter like wheat…just as he asked to sift Job like wheat…
And the enemy will ask to sift us like wheat.
What do we find Peter doing not long after Jesus broke the news to him that Satan wanted to sift him?
We find him in the Garden of Gethsemane fast asleep…when he should have been praying!
He was sleeping when he should have been alert to the attack of the enemy.
He learned his lesson the hard way…and would later warn us to be vigilant because Satan is looking for someone to devour…
And we need to take that lesson to heart and always arm ourselves with the Armor of God…
Always be in prayer…and always be on the alert for an attack from the enemy.

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