Walking through the dilemma of Love for we who see.

2 years ago

I am real, not an influencer. I am a post conspiracy Theorist who swears like a Soldier with words that attempt to move you forward into healing. It was not our fault we were fooled over and over or that we cried wolf so many times, they did it to us and we let them run riot in our heads. Because of that we are here, amongst the ashes of our lives but as the phoenix rises so must we, every time.
Never believe you are done, you've just begun..now lets tackle some real shit together.
What is there to fear but ones self.

What does love mean to us, in a coupling sense, now we know the extent of delusion we face at some point in our journey only because we now see what we nearly became, as planned and steered.

We know the agents and minions of the system, it's our job to pick up the stragglers who come to true understanding of the whole ruse and heal them post CT, if we do then we become more and therefore are closer to be..ing.
We cannot stop evil but we can reawaken love

Much L❤ve


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