The Truth About Monkeypox | Reese Report (May 2022)

2 years ago

Monkeypox was first discovered when lab monkeys were injected with the polio vaccine, so it's highly plausible that monkeypox is a vaccine adverse effect, not (just) an infectious disease.

Monkeypox first showed up in humans in the 1970's during large scale efforts to eradicate smallpox through mass vaccination. This strengthens the vaccine adverse effect hypothesis.

'Monkeypox' is showing up again in 2022, and it is still nearly indistinguishable from shingles, which is a know adverse effect from the COVID jabs. The largest common denominator between all 'monkeypox' cases (although this is never mentioned), seems to be that they had the COVID jab. This is more proof of the 'vaccine' adverse effect hypothesis. (Men having sex with multiple men are at increased risk.)

If people will get vaxxed for monkeypox, they may experience more adverse effects diagnosed as a breakthrough infection. Then they'll say that it would have worse had they not gotten the jab.

If they don't experience adverse effects from the monkeypox jab, they may still get 'monkeypox' from the COVID jab. This may fuel the push for monkeypox boosters.

The pharma business model is quite ingenious once you get to see the big picture:


Create mass panic through 24/7 propaganda. Combine this with mass suffering caused by tyrannical measures of mass destruction, such as social isolation (which is a form of torture). Both induce people to clamor for a solution, any solution really, as quickly as possible.

To add to the panic, publish the results of infectious disease modeling, which is mainly horror fiction that reliably exaggerates reality by 10-50x. The horror fiction writers masquerading as 'scientists' fulfill their role by modeling highly unlikely doomsday possibilities, not likely realities.

When actual disease severity does not come anywhere near what the models predicted, claim that this is due to the highly effective interventions, not because the models were doomsday propaganda pieces. Ignore any proof to the contrary, such as Sweden, which did only mild interventions and still had a relatively benign outcome despite comparable effective population density.

Announce that governments will be the population's "ONLY reliable source of truth". Label anybody who dares to question or disagree with the propaganda as a misinformation spreader who needs to be silenced. Claim the sole right of arbiter of truth and license to spread propaganda. Truth and misinformation are whatever YOU deem them to be.

Label non-conformers as selfish dangers to society. To limit resentment against the tyrannical government, get people to police each other (peer pressure). To add to limited capacity of surveillance, get people to snitch.

Allow dissent, but only toward more severity, never less. For example, the following is allowed but its opposite is not: more face masks, vaccine mandates, more testing, more and longer lockdowns.

Lay the blame for everything on a single disease. Even 90 year olds with countless co-morbidities and terminal cancer are counted as COVID deaths.

Get the population to focus all their attention on a single disease and not on anything else, e.g. the adverse effects of the non-pharmaceutical measures.

Get the healthy to adhere to the tyrannical measures by vastly exaggerating the risk of asymptomic/presymptomic spread.

Associate behavior that suits you, such as mask-wearing, with virtue (virtue signaling).

Allow doomsday comparisons, e.g. with the Spanish flu, but not with regular flu seasons. Allow no comparisons with other diseases that would make this disease look mild, such as cancer, heart disease or malaria. Maximizing fear is allowed, but placing it in perspective is not.

Continually mass test people with highly oversensitive tests with about 99% clinical false positives. This creates a PCR-demic when there is no real 'pandemic', and keeps the fear alive. 'Abnormalize' common colds and flu as 'COVID'.

The measures of mass destruction induce stress, which weakens the immune system, causes heart attacks, leads to suicides, etc. This is 'proof' of the high risk of the disease which provides justification for the tyrannical measures of mass destruction and reckless push for mass injection with barely tested products based on a completely new genetic technology.

Where possible, give counter-productive advice. For example, get people to stay inside even though outside it the safest and healthiest place. Get people to wear face masks, which cause them to breathe their own exhaust fumes, and which are like pieces of asbestos in front your face and breeding places for bacteria and fungi. Any increase in disease is said to be due to COVID or at least a necessary evil.

'Treat' people with highly toxic life-threatening interventions such as remdesivir and early intubation with high doses of sedatives. Both kill them, which is more 'proof' of the high risk of the disease.

Use the shock to push through other agenda goals, such as digital IDs (which allow surveillance).

Only focus propaganda on the aspects that suit you. For example if a disease is infectious but not very sick-making (e.g. omicold), thus not very dangerous, focus only on its infectiousness. If a disease is sick-making but not very infectious, thus not very dangerous, focus only on the disease severity while never mentioning that it is highly unlike to get the disease in the first place.

To make sure all the important accomplices behave as needed, organize general rehearsals in advance, such as Event 201 and simulation of monkeypox in 2021.


Brainwash people that the ONLY solution is mass 'vaccination' (with obscenely profitable products of course).
Never discuss naturally acquired immunity.
Intimidate, smear, and censor those who speak out against the narrative.
Block access to safe, highly effective, off-patent repurposed medicines. Ignore previous normalcy of off-patent prescription of authorized drugs. Ignore the Helsinki Declaration.
Allow highly profitable treatments (such as remdesivir) but only for late stage disease, else they might interfere with mass vaccination. Require neither proof of safety nor efficacy due to the 'emergency'. Manipulate any trial data to get the outcome you desire. Refuse to allow publication of trial data (proprietary) while claiming full transparency. Refuse to allow your drug to be used for independent replication of your trial (such as with Paxlovid).
Get the government to play doctor instead of letting doctors be doctors.
Publish propaganda pieces masquerading as 'science', both in support of the narrative and against alternatives (hydroxochloroquine, ivermectin). Have propagandists in the mainstream traditional and social media masquerading as 'scientists' and (independent) 'experts'. Learn from the tobacco industry and other highly 'successful' organizations, such as Monsanto, how to do this.
Make sure to have no product liability, so push for governments (i.e. taxpayers) to accept the financial risk of any adverse health effects. After all, this 'emergency' requires Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) which is incompatible with liability and informed consent.

Give the impression that the demand for the injections far exceeds supply (scarcity), e.g. by showing long queues of people. Use the scarcity as an incentive for people to get vaccinated immediately (sense of urgency).

Get the low risk group to believe that they are still a high risk to themselves and/or the high risk group ('Get vaccinated to protect grandpa').

To increase uptake, claim that the 'vaccines' are safe, thereby 'mistaking' absence of evidence for evidence of absence.

Purposely mislabel people or redefine definitions to your liking. For example, call those who say that the COVID isn't that dangerous or the harms of the measures significantly outweigh their benefits 'corona deniers'. Call people opposed to mandatory injection or vaccine passports 'anti-vaxxers'. Call people who propose early interventions with vitamins, minerals and repurposed medicines 'anti-scientific quacks'.

Give the impression that all experts agree (scientific consensus), while this 'consensus' is in fact artificial, since you excluded, intimidated or smeared all those who dissent.

Get governments and organizations to mandate your product, e.g. to be allowed to travel, go to work or even go inside a store. This increases uptake beyond what would have been achieved for purely medical reasons. Ignore petty details such as right to bodily integrity and the Nuremburg Code. Never mention that mandates to protect others only make sense if at a minimum the vaccine stops transmission.

Get prominent people to be a role model and vaccinated on tv (authority). This increases trust. If they are afraid of adverse effects, you can fake the injection or put saline in the syringe.

Get normal people to display their vaccination status on social media and real life (social proof, similarity).

To make sure that people don't start to use their brain, continually bombard them with distractions.

If predictions turn out differently than what you said, change the subject, claim that you never made the predictions in the first place (revisionism) or that you "always knew the vaccines wouldn't prevent transmission".


When the 'vaccines' start out with negative efficacy followed by no efficacy (or further negative efficacy), lump the partially vaccinated with the unvaccinated. This gives the impression of waning efficacy, even though this is just the initial negative efficacy (lumped on the wrong group) waning off.

That fuels a push for repeated boosters of the same product that didn't work the first time, but now at a higher price (since the 'pandemic' phase is over after all). Pharmaceutical companies are not charities and need adequate funding for further 'research' to 'benefit' humanity.

When the 'vaccines' have negative side-effects, make their reporting/publication as difficult as possible and delegitimize any reports as mere "anecdotes" and "unproven". Counter them immediately with 'experts' who reassure the public of the safety of the 'vaccines'. Gaslight the injured by saying, "It's all in your head" and prescribing medication against mental illness. Guilt trip the injured to stay quiet by warning them of the hesitancy they might cause if they speak out.

If unsuccessful, ascribe adverse events strictly to others causes (COVID, post-pandemic stress, climate change, unknown cause). #ABV = Anything But the Vaccines. Fire or take away the license of any doctor that dares to ascribe adverse events to the injections.

If unsuccessful, grudgingly acknowledge "rare" and "temporary" side-effects, but claim that the risk-reward is still attractive, because the risks of the disease are worse. Don't concern yourself with inconvenient truths, such as scientific proof that the risk of the disease is NOT worse at all and the 'vaccines' don't protect against the disease anyway.

If unsuccessful, normalize the adverse effects: "Did you know that kids have blood clots and heart attacks too? Did you know that kids die suddenly too?"

If unsuccessful, ascribe the adverse effects to a new infectious disease. "See those blisters? They are due to monkeypox infectious disease outbreak. Quick, we need to start with early measures of mass destruction and mass vaccination before this gets out of control." This brings us back to the start for a new cycle of wealth transfer.



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