Sen. John Kennedy punishes FBI Director Chris Wray * 8-4-2022

2 years ago

(Thursday, August 4, 2022 | Hart Senate Office Building, Washington D.C.) Sen. #JohnKennedy punishes #FBI Director #ChrisWray.

Not one senator asked the #FBI director #ChrisWray about due process for the #J6 prisoners and what exactly they were charged for during the dust-up on January 6, 2021 at the Capital Building; or why #Pelsoi wasn't asked about security that day. No one asked about FBI instigators at the J-6 riot, or the FBI's relationship with the #OathKeepers and #RayEpps. No one asked why the Supreme Court leaker wasn't exposed. No one asked why #ChesaBoudin (the San Francisco district Attorney who was raised by WeatherUnderground terrorists #BernardineDohrn — and Obama's mentor #BillAyers), had allowed two big-time Fentanyl dealers to go free. So many questions, so little time, and the FBI director said he had to leave early because he had a plane to catch. But when Senator Chuck Grassley reminded Mr. Wray that he had his own private jet and was also late coming back from break, the FBI director just laughed and wiggled in his chair. Democrats mostly harped about the semi-automatic rifles like the AR-15, so you can look up the hearing on Youtube in you're interested.

Mr. Wray is the current director of the FBI who was promoted by President Donald J. Trump in 2017.

In 2023 Congressional Republican committees will want to know if Chris Wray is guilty of:

* Abusing the FISA court to illegally spy on Trump's White House and those connected to him.
* Knowingly allowed Trump to be investigated for colluding with Russia knowing it was a BIG LIE.
* Allowed multiple hearings and two impeachment trials against Trump without providing exculpatory
* Abuse of power to launch early morning raids with heavily-armed SWAT teams to imitate Trump
associates, family and friends.
* Conspired with the D.C. mayor, the Capital's sergeant-at-arms, the Capital Police and Speaker
Nancy Pelosi allowing the the breach of the Capital building and the January 6 riot.
* Illegally hunted down and locked up peaceful protesters who were only trespassing without due
process and held in jail for over a year.
* Labeled good American parents as domestic terrorist because they attended PTA meetings object
to teachers exposing their children to porn at school.
* Allowing young girls on TEAM USA gym to be repeatedly raped by a pedophile.
* Perjury: Constantly lying under oath or not answering questions during congressional oversight
hearings while begging for for money for the over-bloated FBI budget.
* Abusing taxpayer funds to live high on the hog with a private jet, 1st class hotel rooms,
expensive dinners, drinks, cigars and hookers.

Mr. Wray is armed and dangerous when he's with his many bodyguards, so don't attempt to confront him
about his lack of conducting an investigation for the 2020 election fraud while at the same time saying
there was no evidence. If he didn't LOOK for evidence, how could he FIND evidence. And when PRESENTED with
evidence, he ignores the evidence.

During Chris Wray's Senate confirmation hearing on July 12, 2017, when asked if he believed that the
investigation into Russian 2016 election interference and possible links to Trump's campaign is a
"witch hunt", he stated that he did not. When asked on August 6, 2022 during an oversight hearing if
he thought Mueller's investigation (based on Hillary Clinton's fake dossier) was a "hoax", he said he
wouldn't describe it like that.

They're not after me, they're after you. I'm just in their way.

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